Function Reference¶
This section provides a detailed reference on all of the Aion built-in functions.
Alphabetical Function Reference¶
Below is a complete list of built-in functions, in alphabetical order:
- Alph
- arccos
- arccot
- arccsc
- arcosh
- arcoth
- arcsch
- arcsec
- arcsin
- arctan
- arsech
- arsinh
- artanh
- Average
- BinomialCDF
- BinomialPMF
- BinomialVariate
- CauchyCDF
- CauchyPDF
- CauchyQuantile
- CauchyVariate
- ChiSquaredCDF
- ChiSquaredPDF
- ChiSquaredQuantile
- ChiSquaredVariate
- Cholesky
- ConditionNumber
- cos
- cosh
- cot
- coth
- Count
- csc
- csch
- DCT2
- DCT3
- Diagonal
- DiagonalEntries
- Eigenvectors
- Equilibrate
- erf
- erfc
- erfInv
- EuclideanNorm
- ExponentialCDF
- ExponentialPDF
- ExponentialQuantile
- ExponentialVariate
- FileClose
- FileDelete
- FileExists
- FileOpenRead
- FileOpenWrite
- FileOpenWriteTruncate
- FileReadByte
- FileReadInteger
- FileReadReal
- FileReadString
- FileSeek
- FileWriteByte
- FileWriteInteger
- FileWriteReal
- FileWriteString
- Find
- FlipLR
- FlipUD
- GammaCDF
- GammaPDF
- GammaQuantile
- GammaVariate
- GeometricCDF
- GeometricPDF
- GeometricVariate
- Hessenberg
- HilbertTransform
- Histogram
- IB
- IC
- IR
- IZ
- Im
- InfinityNorm
- InverseDFT
- IsHermitian
- IsNaN
- IsNormal
- IsSkewHermitian
- IsSkewSymmetric
- IsSymmetric
- Kurtosis
- LeastSquares
- ln
- lnFactorial
- lnGamma
- LoadAudio
- LoadBooleanMatrix
- LoadComplexMatrix
- LoadImage
- LoadIntegerMatrix
- LoadRealMatrix
- log
- LogNormalCDF
- LogNormalPDF
- LogNormalQuantile
- LogNormalVariate
- LQ
- Maximum
- Median
- Minimum
- Mode
- NormalCDF
- NormalPDF
- NormalQuantile
- NormalVariate
- NumberColumns
- NumberRows
- OneNorm
- P
- PlayAudio
- PNorm
- PoissonCDF
- PoissonPDF
- PoissonVariate
- Q
- QR
- Rank
- RayleighCDF
- RayleighPDF
- RayleighQuantile
- RayleighVariate
- Re
- RInt32
- RInt64
- s
- S
- SampleSkew
- SampleStdDev
- SaveAudio
- SaveBooleanMatrix
- SaveComplexMatrix
- SaveImage
- SaveIntegerMatrix
- SaveRealMatrix
- Schur
- sec
- sech
- sin
- sinh
- SizeOf
- Solve
- Sort
- SortReverse
- Split
- StdDev
- Sum
- SystemTime
- tan
- tanh
- ToString
- TRNG32
- TRNG64
- UniformExclusive
- UniformInclusive
- UpperCholesky
- Variance
- W
- WeibullCDF
- WeibullPDF
- WeibullQuantile
- WeibullVariate
- ZB
- ZC
- ZR
- ZZ
- Β
- γ
- Γ
- ΓU
- γInv
- ζ
Functions By Category¶
This section lists functions by category.
Basic Math Functions¶
You can use the functions listed in this section to perform many basic math operations.
High Level I/O Functions¶
You can use the functions listed in this section to easily read and write complex data from and to files.
Low Level I/O Functions¶
The functions listed in this section allow you to read and write arbitrary data from and to files. While more difficult to use than the functions listed in High Level I/O Functions, these functions can be used in concert to process virtually any conceivable file format.
Matrix Functions¶
You can use the functions listed in this section to perform complex operations on matrices such as different types of decompositions, fourier transforms, etc.
Set And Tuple Functions¶
You can use the functions in this list to perform set and tuple operations. Note that some of the functions, while primarily intended for use on sets and tuples, can also perform operations on matrices.
Special Functions¶
This section lists a number of somewhat more specialized functions you can use.
Statistical Functions¶
You can use the functions listed in this section to perform statistical operations and to calculate random variates. Note that some of the functions in this list can also operate on sets and tuples.