
You can use the \(\text{FileClose}\) function to close an open file.

You can use the \fileclose backslash command to insert this function.

The following variants of this function are available:

  • \(\text{boolean } \text{FileClose} \left ( \text{<file number>} \right )\)

The \(\text{<file number>}\) is an integer value supplied by the previously called \(\text{FileOpen}\) function. The function returns true on success or false on error.

The \(\text{FileClose}\) function is part of a suite of low level I/O functions provided by Aion that are intended to be used together. Other functions in this suite include:

The general process for reading or writing a file is to open the file using the \(\text{FileOpenRead}\) or \(\text{FileOpenWrite}\) functions, call the \(\text{FileRead}\ldots\), \(\text{FileWrite}\ldots\) functions, and, if needed, the \(\text{FileSeek}\) function. Once you’re finished with the file, you should call the \(\text{FileClose}\) function.

Figure 136 shows several basic low level file operations.